城市的发展已经由原来以车行为主的布局模式,转型为倡导以步行为主的生活方式。“小街区、密路网”已经成了当下的流行词。随着共享单车兴起,各地纷纷颁布了街道空间更新整治文件、15分钟生活圈导则等,对于街道空间的治理运营也愈加重视。由URBANPLUS开发的街到GO Street应用平台正是在这种背景下,期望把握未来城市发展趋势,聚焦以城市街道为单位对象的步行指数评价。平台基于高德地图和Open Street Map进行开发,依靠用户评价和大数据,参考国内外街道设计导则和评价标准,以指数运算法则(Index Algorithm)得出街道的步行指数。街到GO Street确立了以步行体验而非车行效率作为评价街道的重要标准,用户可以以此作为选择步行街道和定制私人逛街路线的导航工具。它是一种评估毗邻街道的零售/地产物业价值的全新方式,也是基于街道步行指数的生活消费平台。其终极目标是创造全新的街道生活方式和生态系统。依托于该应用平台,用户可以寻找适合自身的目的性消费业态。
The development of cities has shifted from a layout model dominated by car dealerships to advocating a lifestyle dominated by walking. “Small blocks, dense road networks” have become popular words nowadays. With the rise of shared bicycles, various regions have issued documents for updating and renovating street spaces, as well as guidelines for 15 minute living circles, which have increasingly emphasized the management and operation of street spaces. The GO Street application platform developed by URBANPLUS aims to graspe the future trends of urban development and focusing on pedestrian index evaluation based on urban streets. The platform is developed based on Gaode Map and Open Street Map, relying on user feedback and big data, referring to domestic and foreign street design guidelines and evaluation standards, and using the Index Algorithm to obtain the pedestrian index of the street. GO Street has established that pedestrian experience rather than driving efficiency is an important criterion for evaluating streets, and users can use this as a navigation tool for choosing pedestrian streets and customizing private shopping routes. It is a new way to evaluate the value of retail/real estate properties adjacent to the street, and also a lifestyle consumption platform based on the street walking index. Its ultimate goal is to create a completely new street lifestyle and ecosystem. Based on this application platform, users can search for purposeful consumption formats that are suitable for themselves.