2022年7月1日,城伽(上海)规划建筑设计咨询有限公司作为「超 · 越|鉴湖新盛景」绍兴鉴湖概念规划与方案设计国际竞赛的六强团队,在为期两天现场踏勘的间歇,接受了竞赛协办单位拾分之壹的专访,以下为采访实录:
On July 1, 2022, URBANPLUS (Shanghai) Planning and Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd., as one of the top six teams in the Shaoxing Jianhu Conceptual Planning and Scheme Design International Competition for “Beyond Yue Jianhu New Scenery”, accepted an interview with one tenth of the competition co organizers during a two-day on-site survey break. The following is the interview transcript:
Click for the full interview video
陈枫 Chen Feng
URBANPLUS (Shanghai) Planning and Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. | Founding Partner
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst
URBANPLUS (Shanghai) Planning and Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. | Chief Design Consultant
#Question 1: 请您做一个简短的自我介绍
Please give a brief self-introduction
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst:
I’m Stephen Fairhurst, I’m a planner and a landscape architect. I’ve worked worldwide in many countries. For the last 20-25 years, I’ve been working mainly in China. My work is about a lot of waterfronts with many types of projects.
陈枫 Chen Feng:
I’m Chen Feng from URBANPLUS (Shanghai) Planning and Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. Our team mainly focuses on Top-Down Design, also on the quality of the urban environment. Our current business mainly focuses on four aspects — urban renewal, transit-oriented development, industrial parks, and cultural tourism planning.
We are familiar with planning and design on a massive scale and the creation of the entire environmental quality, just like Jianhu in this competition. Through this competition and the cooperation of our team, we would like to build Jianhu into a spatial and iconic landmark of Shaoxing and even the Yangtze River Delta in the future.
#Question 2: 这是您第一次来到绍兴或鉴湖吗?您对这里有怎样的印象?
Is this your first time to Shaoxing/Jianhu? What is your impression of this place?
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst:
It’s not the first time. About 6 years ago, I was visiting Shaoxing many times. I have been mainly working in other parts of China, but Shaoxing has not changed hugely, at least in the Jianhu area. The rest of the city has changed a lot in 6 years.
陈枫 Chen Feng:
In fact, it is my second visit to Jianhu. About 20 years ago when I was in high school, we went to Jianhu for the spring outing, and it left a deep impression on me.
Now, when I came to Jianhu for the second time, I saw many changes spatially, including urban roads, overall landscape construction, etc. It is obvious that in the past 10 or 20 years, Jianhu has undergone disruptive changes. The living conditions of the residents and local people we met here have also undergone a certain transformation, which is a unique and rare contrast to my trip to Jianhu 20 years ago.
#Question 3: 您和团队对于入围本次竞赛六强有何感受?
How do you and your team feel about being shortlisted for this competition?
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst:
It’s really a good feeling in many ways. It’s the kind of project that I really enjoy. It’s challenging and it has a lot of possibilities. At the same time, I’m happy because China has been going through, as the world has been going through difficult times with Covid. So being here is like a breath of fresh air to start working on a good project again.
陈枫 Chen Feng:
Being shortlisted at this time means a lot for both CCDI and Urbanplus. Especially during the pandemic, the majority of our team designers are home-based, they tried their best to create and cooperate remotely. Therefore, I am grateful to the team for their collaboration and contribution at this moment. When the pandemic ends in the near future, hopefully, our team will have a better foundation and ability to cooperate, so that we could exceed our performance of the pre-qualification and present a perfect project that would be even better.
#Question 4: 您怎样理解这次竞赛的「超·越」主题呢?
How do you understand “Beyond YUE”, the theme of this competition?
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst:
I’m not a historian, but I do know quite a lot about Chinese history and culture. I have a very big library. I think that it’s a good theme. It’s very interesting because it’s the past, it’s the future, and how we can now look at the interface and how it moves. It’s a good theme and it’s one that I could understand even as a foreigner.
陈枫 Chen Feng:
对于本次竞赛中“Beyond YUE”概念,我们的团队从两个维度进行了考虑。
For the concept of “Beyond Yue” in this competition, we considered it from two dimensions.
On the one hand, we have delved into the historical records and found out that Song Dynasty is the highlight moment for Jianhu. Our goal is to surpass its heyday and create a better future planning. To Jianhu, the Song Dynasty is of great significance, where the space, environment, and cultural value have all reached their peak. At this competition, we want to reenact the past glory of the Song Dynasty and even exceed its prosperity.
On the other hand, we also hope that “Beyond YUE” is future-oriented. As the Director of the Management Committee said today, this plan is a long-term plan that will last for 10 or 20 years. In fact, we would like to take a longer-term perspective, in 50 years, or even a hundred years. Longevity and sustainability are our priorities for this project. Whether the overall policy, other factors or the surrounding environment has changed in the future, the concept and spatial structure of this project can still last for a long time. Just like what the Management Committee mentioned, we would like to design a “Project of Heritage”.
#Question 5: 最后,请您谈谈此次概念提案的核心理念?
Finally, could you talk about the core concept of your proposal?
斯蒂芬·费尔赫斯特 Stephen Fairhurst:
I think that our proposal is looking very much at the environment. We have to respect the existing environment. We have to look at the integration, use a Shaoxing metaphor, and “stitch” Jianhu together. I think that is for me what our concept is all about.
陈枫 Chen Feng:
Our planning strategy or pattern can be called as the plan of “stitch”.
Shaoxing Jianhu is in a state between stock-based renewal and incremental development. We can see the situation that Jianhu needs to focus on at this stage, some industrial spaces need to be developed to activate its IP image of the entire scenic spot. But at the same time, we also need to focus on the environment within the scenic area and the living conditions of the local people, including the state of the landscape.
So, our project is to balance the stock-based renewal and incremental development. As Stephen said, this is the plan of “stitch”, and we will do our best to carefully portray beautiful scenery for Jianhu.